AI Seavus CodeTalks

Минск, 20 Ноября 19:00 - 21:30

Place: Тише Мыши Рестобар

Entrance: Свободный


1. 19:00 — 19:15

Opening of the Seavus CodeTalks

2. 19:15 — 20:00

“Dynamic algorithm selection” by Magnus Andersson & George Hanna

How do you make sure that your algorithm actually works the way it should? Can it be too good? We’ll discuss one approach to getting better solutions, version handling and models in an A.I. based system.

15 minutes break

3. 20:15 — 21:00

“(Almost) Language Agnostic Text Analysis“ by Aleksandar Razmovski

An overview of ElasticSearch + Python Framework used for large scale text processing, the does and don’ts, the pitfalls and the Joy, the wishes and the Reality…
Spiced at the end with a philosophical/ethics discussion on how/if possible to raise a Beneficial Artilect.

4. 21:00 — 21:30

TheLionTalk Panel with the presenters and guest participants + questions from the audience.


Magnus Andersson, the Division Manager for Development and Architecture (DNA) in Seavus Stockholm. Magnus has a background within Microsoft technologies with almost 20 years of experience from system and software development. He is now focusing on the business values of A.I. but will never leave the tech part.

George Hanna, a System developer from Stockholm in Seavus DNA Division. George has been working as a software developer in both small and big projects within multiple industries. He has experience from game design and embedded systems where focus has been on developing software with high performance, reliability and quality. He is a lead developer within a Seavus A.I. team and likes to work in the frontline of technology.

Aleksandar Razmovski from Skopje, 1704 of 2334 currently has Senior_Business_Inteligence_Analyst@Seavus tag.
Sharing resources in many projects regarding Data and finding values/insights in it.
15+ years of professional computing/ICT experience & QTR century of fiddling with machines.
Often Used Proverbs:
In (put Your favorite deity here) We trust, all others must bring data;
Humans have paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and god-like technology.

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Стоимость участия


Место проведения

Минск, пр. Победителей, 11

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  • 11 гостей
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