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12 сентября пройдёт Go Gett Juno Meetup при поддержке GoWay Minsk community.
На митапе спикеры расскажут о том, какие технические челенджи решаются в Gett при помощи языка Go.
Для участия необходима регистрация.
- Саша Грунин, Gett, Senior backend engineer at B2B Development team – История разработки на Go в Gett 2018-2019.
Gett не сразу начал писать на Go.
Gett — классическая история, когда после нескольких лет разработки монолита, оказалось более целесообразно разделить монолит на сервисы, чем рефакторить его. Переход на Go – не одномоментный процесс: вместе с эволюцией технологий эволюционировали и процессы вокруг.
В этом докладе Саша расскажет про то, как в компании развивалась разработка на Go и как устроены процессы и технологии разработки сейчас.
- Sagi Kritchbets, Gett, Senior backend engineer at Pricing Team – State of the art engineering.
In Gett much of the functionality is location based. During each order there is a need to retrieve configuration data based on GPS locations. Geo services are handling large number of requests and are on critical path of the business flow. It is required that the service will respond quickly and will be scalable. Legacy area service in Gett was fully based on PostGIS, which lead to bottleneck on DB. Sagi are going to talk about new area service and its in memory distributed geographic cache implementation based on hex grid and redis pubsub. Sagi will go through basic geometry algorithms used in the solution and challenges we had to overcome.
- Ron Ludmer, Gett, Senior Backend Developer at Matching & Ride Exchange Team –Redis-based Semaphore.
As the popularity of microservices architecture style increases, the risks that rise from working with a distributed system are getting more focus. One common problem is having our shared resources being accessed from multiple instances simultaneously, causing data inconsistency. What is the best way to ensure correctness with minimal damage to efficiency? Arguably, the simplest way is using locking mechanism. Ron are going to talk about different approaches to distributed locking, and the ways they tackled this issue at Gett, leading up to our current solution: Redis-based distributed lock implemented in Golang.
Начало регистрации – 18.30
Начало докладов – 19.00
Кроме полезных докладов от крутых спикеров вас ждет море нетворкинга и, конечно, афтепати!
Мероприятие пройдет на площадке SPACE по адресу ул. Октябрьская 16/4.