On the way to success: Salesforce Solution Architect Journey at EPAM

24 Ноября 18:30 - 20:00
  • salesforce
  • software architecture
  • solution architecture

Kostadin Stoev & Liubou Kapatsevich Lead Software Engineers in EPAM

Live career journey discussion. Pass from Junior developer to the Lead Salesforce Developer position and beyond. Following Salesforce evolution and how it affected career development. Roadblocks and personal motivation.

Roadblocks on career path, motivation and useful tips of becoming Tech Lead.

Challenges on Salesforce projects and how tackle them?

Top tips for others looking to become a Salesforce Architect?

Solution Architect role is that end or beginning of Salesforce career. Is that a destination of the career or just a part of the journey?


Salesforce United MeetUp #7 (community-z.com)


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